Hello, World!
The Proverbial Rosy-Fingered Dawn! The Shire is looking green.
The Great Escape! Neeiigghh-bor's horses come visiting...Sarah: 'What are YOU looking at!?'
Sarah the Beast shows her true colors. She is feral but seems to think herself Queen of Cats. Tries her best to trip people walking by, torments her daughter and smaller weaker kittens, an insecure bully intent on proving herself...or else!
Very occasionally, I will scratch under her chin then she becomes flustered and runs off if caught enjoying it...
Mushroomish sourdough
For reasons unknown, this bread tended to mushroom sideways instead of growing tall. Still a grand tasting loaf, multigrain of course.
Come under my bearskin, said the Snow Queen
Hans Anderson's Fairy Tales - Illustrated by Louis Rhead
Freya ~ Mother Goddess of Sweden
In Gylfaginning of Prose Edda, Snorri Sturlusson once mentioned:
Sessrumir, her hall, is large and beautiful. And when she travels, she drives two cats and sits in a chariot.
"In Norse mythology, Freya was a volva “who could see things that others couldn’t”. Freya practised seidr that helped her to see the future of all beings. Mystery always surrounded the words of a volva because people only realized her prophecy when mystery became reality.
Cats symbolised femininity in every step they took. They walked in silence and they would make no sound.
Cat was a kind of “walk-alone” creature. Yet a cat could also manage their social relationships very well. This trait was vividly portrayed in Freya. She was a kind of a strong woman, a model of shieldmaiden. -- History of the Vikings
And, just what sort of cat pulled her chariot? Perhaps the formidable Norweigan Forest Cat ~
They come in many different types, but all have a heavy undercoat, large paws with tufts of fur between toes.Needs much brushing daily! Very friendly -- but always on their own terms.
Territorial and a mighty hunter...
All this describes our own Chloe, below!
She has just been brushed, her fur much sleeker than it usually is. She does have a heavy undercoat & large paws with tufted fur.
I'd not mind having her pull my chariot if she were a bit bigger.
Yumm! Yule Treats! And the Narcissus is in bloom!
The cookies seem to be disappearing somehow...I suspect Gnomer...
Beginning at bottom: Chocolate Walnut Brownies, Middle: Russian Tea Cakes with Pecans and outlined with Chocolate Pecan Rum Truffles
The Swedish Dala Horse as a Devil's Toy?
But in 1624, the bishop in Vasteras furiously told his flock that the wooden horses were the devil's toys and evil for children to play with. There was a dual rationale for his outrage—wooden horses were sometimes used as magic by witches and shamans...!
Ah, those bishops now (sure'n they're seein' the divvil in their oatmeal of a marnin.)
Indeed, what could be more frightening than a kid's toy horsie!?
Almost as scary as a wee Dala horse: Odin and Sleipnir ~
Odin relaxing at home in Odin's Tower: Hlidskjalf ~
~ digital art by David Johnson
Snow Mountain has *snow*
View from outside - located in North Coast Range rising at 7,000 ft.https://www.summitpost.org/snow-mountain/151659
As usual, some sunny breaks even during storms; wild winds gusting at 40 mph and much needed rain and snow, blizzards in mts! Caught a nice shot of Snow Mountain out walking with Helen.
-- Xmas Day was storming! Decided to stay home and relax with best pumpkin pie yet, I made with a Pecan Nut Crust -- so good! We kept it kosher with Hebrew National Franks and traditional southern mac 'n cheese! -- I used gluten free pasta and added mozzarella and sharp cheddar...
Watched a Corgie Christmas (love those movies filmed in snowy Canada!) and now in midst of My Fair Lady -- can't wait to hear Jeremy Brett - aka Sherlock Holmes! - singing: On The Street Where You Live!
...and, after a stormy Xmas day, a lovely golden sunset over the buttes.
Happy Christmas Y'all~!
December 29, 2021
A day which will be remembered by all as Snow Day!
'Come and see!' said Helen to me. 'What, is it a deer?'
'Oh, more wonderful than a deer!' said she. 'A MOOSE!?'
(I'm always hoping for a moose...) But no, it was...*SNOW!*
It has never been seen in all the 17 years Helen has lived here; a rare snow beast indeed...
CLICK BELOW for the Snow Show
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