Sunday, November 7, 2021

November - Fall Back

 This is the weather I like best: bit of rain, then sunny days, warm, not so windy. Gorgeous clear nights full of stars, Orion the hunter out bright...coyotes clamoring beneath a new moon.                                        sky at night. 

                                             Back yard - bird and buttes                                       


               November spring. New grass and lantana in bloom.


                                      Arroyo and buttes from pasture


                     Back pasture, sneaking up on distant buttes.  

Cows have moved on, horses now in Grass Valley but they left their calling cards: mushroom fodder  -  puffballs are popping up all over. Excellent sauteed with a bit of onion or in omelet, with homemade multigrain sourdough bread. 



         Foggy mornings....                                  

                                     ...things are uncertain, inside and out.


          Fog has crept back into valleys. Sun shines crystal clear -  Crystal Ginger: or candied ginger bits. Simple to make and exceedingly tasty. ('Tis rumoured that Elizabeth I ruined her teeth on such as these; fond of "comfits" she was)


             ...and from Alice in Wonderland: "Alice had no idea  what to do, and in despair she put her hand in her pocket, and pulled out a box of comfits and handed them round as  prizes. There was exactly one a-piece all round."

A rather fine fat loaf. Persimmons are dried.  Local mandarines are sweet. And lemons are ripe and ready on the tree. Time for tea.

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