Headed down to the Riverside for the Gathering at the Falls, as did all!
Got there in time for the Grand Entry and Color Guard. Maple Leaf flying high
along with the Stars and Stripes. Canada, Grandmother's Land, was well represented.
First Ceremony: Women's Jingle Dance
(Could only get close enough for photo/vids by standing behind dancers.)
...and Everybody Dance! Love seeing All In, Elders down to the wee ones.
Beautiful beaded horse regalia. I spoke with the woman whose mother did the beadwork.
Saddle up front bears the title of Omak Suicide Race Champion. Hope the horse made it okay.
(If interested, there are Youtube videos of the race. Horses have died there)
Colville Confederated Tribes flag features a howling wolf center.
Cedar canoe. Sides sported nice wood inlay, hard to see in photo though.
Examples of amazing bead work for sale.
I did get a beauteous blue blanket...