Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bird Woman of Josephine County

Lone Goose Watching
CLICK BELOW! For birdsong accompaniment: (opens in new window) then return here --

Since moving to Oregon, I have had the time now to indulge in watching birds...watching birds -- (above); I especially liked this foto of the lone goose (moi), watching the flock move in line, arrowing their way along in synch. (In between cameras at present: this new Kodak is nothing like my good old Nikon. Maybe get real, after yet another move.)

            --  WOOD DUCK  pair --                               



                                               It Must Be Spring....mama duck and duckling

                                                                                                         Oregon Ring-Necked Duck

Canadians in a loose "V".
Perhaps if I were Canadian, I would be more
inclined to join the flock...

A handsome pair of cormorants: this was taken in early spring. Same pond.

A Least Bittern at large amongst the turtles.

A Northern Flicker woodpecker. Was walking along the Rogue River and this bird swooped down from its branch in front of me and landed closer! It waited whilst I got camera focused and got a snap. Thanks!

Hooded Merganser or juvenile Wood Duck?
The mysterious world of ducks...


                        Not a duck or bird but
                @ Summer Solstice will do nicely...